ENFPs are those people who display the Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting personality traits. They are sometimes known as the campaigner type and are usually people who embrace the big ideas that match their own sense of positivity and hope. They always treat others with respect and goodwill and have a vibrant energy that brings that positivity to the group environment, too.

For ENFPs, their emotional intelligence makes them excellent with other people; they stand out in a crowd, and that upbeat approach is contagious. They are not just the life and soul of the party, though. They also build meaningful connections with those around them, displaying empathy and understanding and creating meaningful bonds.

As extroverts who embrace positivity in everything, ENFPs have a level of emotional intelligence that can have a big influence on the way a team communicates and its overriding culture, and with them, how other team members experience the environment. ENFPs tend to encourage fun and cooperation, they embrace and seek out diversity, providing inspiration for creative thinking, always providing energy to those around them, and striving to create a warm and welcoming culture for everyone to feel comfortable in.

They are able to accept different viewpoints and find positives within all opinions, delivering constructive criticism that never reverts to negativity. This means collective communications can find the best responses without causing friction, maintaining an effective working environment throughout. Their enthusiasm and ability to express the values and possibilities the team needs to choose is great for building consensus and keeping the team engaged in the issue, too.

However, while these are all positive influences on the team structure, their spontaneity can cause problems. Being able to persuade others is good, but if the ENFP fails to really look at the consequences of a plan before doing so, the outcomes can be poor. That constant need to seek out the exciting new moment also brings issues that ENFPs should address. They can move from idea to idea too quickly, never really achieving anything with any of them, and that can lead to the ENFP randomly inserting new ideas into the team conversation, preventing a focus on the main goal.
ENFPs is working on their emotional intelligence to take a step back and think about the consequences or outcomes of ideas before pushing forward with them so that enthusiasm and energy can be better directed to achieve desirable outcomes. This is also relevant to ENFPs in leadership.

ENFPs Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Understand how MBTI ENFP Personality Type Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace.

While in general ENFPs will take a democratic approach to leadership, seeking out the team’s opinions and negotiating a compromised approach that all are able to accept, this can often be a case of too good to be true, and promise more than is actually possible. Again, enthusiasm and overriding positivity can go too far, and ENFPs need to learn to say no, and accept that at times, it is simply not possible to find solutions that everyone is happy with.

They do champion new ideas well though, however again the focus is always on the big picture, and in many cases by ignoring the need for specific directions, can leave the team directionless and struggling. While they prefer to think on the fly, ENFPs need to remember that plans and guidance are important for many within the team.
The instincts that define how they lead also shape how ENFPs respond in challenging situations. They include everyone in the decision-making progress, soliciting ideas and input for all, so the entire team feel valued and engaged. That positive influence continues with their imaginative and creative nature, allowing a flexible approach to problem solving that helps the team create new solutions that step out of the orthodox approach.

When the team is under stress in these situations, that sense of fun and spontaneity can help, relieving the pressure while keeping everyone energized

and focused on success. However, they can be over optimistic, promising too much and then failing to deliver, which can leave the team deflated. Likewise, during challenging situations, seeking input from all does have positives, but can lead to information paralysis with no decisions ever being made. There has to be a limit on the mount of options to consider, and this is something the ENFP must learn to moderate. In all these situations, the ENFP will continue to focus on the larger picture, where in many difficult situations, the details can really matter, and this again can be the cause of problems for the team to move forward.

In the team environment, change is one of the major tests of the collective emotional intelligence of the group, and ENFPs with their overt positivity are able to fully embrace change in ways that few others do. That makes them excellent agents of change on the surface, providing energy and enthusiasm for change that is infectious within the team. However, they love the excitement of change a little too much, and ENFPs can get into the habit of promoting change just for that excitement, rather than because it enhances the work, team or processes involved. This is because they get caught up in excitement, but also because they have no appreciation of the traditions and past experience of other team members.
Enthusiastic, energetic, imaginative and perceptive, ENFPs bring a positive energy and valuable emotional intelligence to a team, but they do need help in staying focused and taking a step back to reflect on the impact of choices.