MBTI® Test Decision Making Style Report : Individual and Team Growth

In MBTI, Personality Type by Jonathan Bollag, Owner and Founder

MBTI® Test and the Decision Making Style Report

Are you confronted with a major decision, yet find yourself having a tough time coming to a decision?

Do you find yourself confronting decisions with positivity, though along the way you find yourself having difficulties with decision-making?

Do you tend to conform and use other people’s decision-making styles because you are unsure of your own? Does this really work? Do you get what you want out of your decisions? No it doesn’t, and you probably don’t. We can come to decisions by learning which of the sixteen MBTI test personality decision-making styles apply to us, choose to use it, and in turn get what we want.

Perhaps your decision is what college-major to choose?

Perhaps you are confronted by personal decisions?

Perhaps you are having trouble deciding whether to relocate for a job opportunity or not?

In these tough economic times, the need for career counseling and assessment interpretations are vital. It is important that when changing careers we make the very best decision in the shortest amount of time possible.

The MBTI® Decision Making Style Report can help!

This report can help you detect what role your personality type plays in your decision process. Once you become aware of you decision-making style, you will be able to improve on the process and apply your preferences. In fact you will find yourself breathing a breath of fresh air once you realize that using your own style is never the “wrong” way. Your report can show you that your style works for you and it can give you insightful information and ways to improve your  decision-making. Moreover, once you complete this assessment, you will realize that many people share the same style as you and continue to make successful decisions.

No single  personality type is better than another- no one decision-making style is better than another. It is about getting to know your style, improving on your strengths and becoming aware of the times when you go “out-of-preference”, or when you use a decision process not fitting to yourself.

The Decision-Making Styles Report includes an explanation and summary of your personality type and MBTI test results. While at the same time, your report will review the combination and dynamics of your type and also provide you with tips and action steps to help you strengthen your style.

The following are examples of decision-making preferences the sixteen different Myers Briggs Type Indicator Personality Types have and how these MBTI test types relate to Decision-Making:

  • The Extroverted Type responds to decision- making by talking things through firstly, and considering thoughts and feelings of others first.
  • The Introverted Type responds to decision-making by thinking things through first and considering the impact his or her decision would have on his or herself first.
  • The Sensing Type responds to decisions by Considering reality first, looking for facts and details while focusing on the present.
  • The Intuitive Type responds to decision -making by considering possibilities first, looking for meanings and associations, and then anticipating the future.
  • The Thinking Type responds to decision-making by starting with logic, examining consequences for structures and principles, responding objectively and challenging first and foremost.
  • The Feeling Type responds to decision-making by starting with values, examining consequences for relationships and people, responding personally while seeking to be caring.
  • The Judging Type responds to decision-making by wanting a decision right away, expecting to make progress, and inviting closure.
  • The Perceiving Type responds to decision-making by wanting to postpone the decision, staying open to changing the solution while expecting time to process the decision-making process.

(CPP, Hirsh & Hirsh 2007, 2010)

Thank You for visiting and reading, please return next week as I will discuss The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Team Report and how this report is used. I will also touch on team personality type and team decision-making style.

All The Best,
-Jonathan B.

Learn your Myers-Briggs test type’s strengths and weaknesses, and discover how to use both to your advantage with the MBTI test below:

Your preferences and skills are directly linked to your happiness- wouldn’t you like to know what they are, and how assured you are in your ability to perform them? Find out with the Strong Interest Inventory test below:

  • Strong Interest Inventory® & Skills Confidence Profile

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