The Myers-Briggs® Test and Employee Retention

In Business and Leadership, Leadership, MBTI by Jonathan Bollag, Owner and Founder

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Image courtesy of sheelamohan /

Myers-Briggs® Test

Internal work environment dynamics vary a great deal. Considering what type of personalities best fit within different departments is of the utmost importance in corporate settings. For example, one might not get the best results when placing an Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Introverted Type person in a large group business environment, just as you might not in placing an Extraverted Type person behind a computer solely to do data entry or accounting for long periods of time.

So as a manger or business owner, how do you know whom to place in what department? How do you know who has leadership qualities and who prefers to work alone? Well, there are ways to assess these issues, and at Career Assessment Site we have the answers.

Firstly, it is important to determine your employees Myers-Briggs® Personality Type by having them complete an MBTI® Test. By doing so you will be provided with your employee’s, or candidate’s, four-letter MBTI Personality Type, and with this information you can place your employees in the correct work environment where they will have the best chance to succeed.

It is important to point out that the Myers-Briggs Test does not measure skills, though it can match a person’s personality preference to their best occupational fit. For example, if someone is an ISTJ Personality Type, an Introverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging Type personality, they would be most suited for occupations or departments that include logic-based tasks and where they might work alone or in small group settings. Examples of occupations that ISTJ’s are suited for, but are not limited to are:

  • Accounting
  • Banking
  • Office Manager
  • Logistics and Supply Manager
  • Administrator
  • Legal Secretary
  • Engineer
  • Manager/Supervisor

Another example of a particular personality type that is of good mention is the opposite personality type of the ISTJ, the ENFP (Extraverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Perceiving). The ENFP personality type is drawn to careers and occupational departments that are busier and include more human interaction. They prefer to work in larger groups and have a difficult time working alone for long periods of time. The ENFP also prefers more imaginative jobs and tasks, while also preferring personable work such as social and humanistic moral-based occupations. Some examples of ENFP preferred jobs include, but are not limited to:

  • Public relations specialist
  • Journalist/Reporter/Editor
  • Psychologist/Social Worker/Career Counselor
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Marketing Executive/Consultant

The most effective personality assessment for placing employees in the correct work environment is The MBTI Interpretive Report For Organizations. This report assesses employee work style, contributions to an organization, leadership style, preferred work environments, preferred learning style, potential pitfalls, and suggestions for development. It is a highly effective, informative, and unprecedented report for organizations and their employees.

Personality and career assessments can be of the utmost help in maximizing employee effectiveness and efficiency by placing them in their most suitable surroundings according to their personality type while giving them the best chance to succeed and also providing your company with a good return on investment. By surrounding your employees with the appropriate environments you will see an improvement in productivity, and utilizing a personality assessment is a proven approach in acquiring this goal.

To read more on The 16 Personality Types visit our educational page on The 16 MBTI Types by clicking HERE. To be taken to the MBTI Interpretive Report For Organizations for Purchase Click HERE.